Friday, February 19, 2010

My Very last post

Some call me dude. Some call me Lil mock 11. Some call me Lilmockter5 (If you play roblox you know what I mean) but today I want you all to remember this post. Yes I am quitting club penguin blogging there is no point to it, but you can still see me on cp every once in awhile. I am NOT quitting website making because I have a well running webs account some of you may know of. But I want to show you one last pic of me as Lil mock 11.

That is the last time you will see my skater look. From now on I want ppl to know me as John JJ Bass guitar player of the teenage band, 3Q!7d. You will noiw see me on cp dressed like this:

And if you want to keep up with my fame check out my new site:
and if you want to keep up with my you-tubing check out
Im pretty sure I put some of my classic cp videos on there too.
Lataz (forevaz)
Lil mock 11/John JJ ;-^)
PS I will miss making my smiley!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Lil Mock,
    Everyone seems to be quitting... You will be missed :') R.I.P
    ~Frostylittle, President of CPN
